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Automated catalogs
Igor Simovic avatar
Written by Igor Simovic
Updated over a week ago

If you want to automate your creative production or automate your advertising process even further, and be more relevant to your customers with personalized creative, continue reading.

Automated catalogs and campaigns is a Hunch feature that uses data you provide to create both media and the campaign. Using different columns from your data, you can modify most of the Campaign, Ad Set or Ad level properties, and also you can create custom media for each of them using Hunch Studio.

Most common use cases of Automated catalogs, are Location, Language, Betting, Weather based, but they are not limited to them. If you need help with a solution that isn't mentioned here above, please contact your Customer success agent.

From here you can find basic template for each of them.

This article will cover example based on Location template->Coordinates.

The fields this template has are: ID, Shop Name, Adres, Coordinates_Include_Radius, Coordinates_Exclude_Radius, Copy, Description. These are some fields that we need in order to create Location Based campaign, but Automated catalogs aren't limited to any number of fields, or any type of them. You can add any field you think you need.

Here you can see our feed. We have two rows with two of the same shops in Belgrade, with different coordinates. However the fields in Coordinates_Include_Radius, and Coordinates_Exlude_Radius differ, just like Copy.

This is because we want to target people at different distances from our stores. One in radius of 2km, and others in the radius of 2-4km far from our store. This is because we want to show relevant information to our customers.

The format of coordinates needed is Latitude,Longitude^^radius, where the ^^ is a sign for Hunch to treat numbers after for radius in meters. The smallest number for radius you can have is 1650m, because of Meta limitations.

After connecting an Automated Catalog you will need to create a template just as you previously did for DPA catalogs and connect the dynamic fields. If you need help with this, you can read this article.

Once you have finished your template you can move to this article to read on how to launch an Automated campaign.

For more you cases you can visit our Blog page right here.

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